• Food & Wine

Fagiolo Borlotto di Gambolò

Il fagiolo borlotto, coltivato da secoli nell’areale agricolo di Gambolò e nei suoi immediati dintorni

Borlotti beans have been farmed for centuries in the Gambolò area and its immediate surroundings (the most important evidence dates to the early 19th century) and it was the main source of proteins for all those who could not afford to eat meat regularly.

Following on from a decline in production over recent decades a project designed to recover borlotti bean farming was set up involving reproducing the pure seeds and distributing them to those interested in growing them.

The first Gambolò Borlotti Bean festival took place in 2000 and is now very popular, attracting thousands of visitors to the town.

In 2006 the Gambolò Borlotto Bean variety was recognised as a traditional Lombard product.

It is now regulated by production regulations which encompass farming methods and traditional harvesting.

Production zone: Gambolò and the towns around it such as Garlasco, Borgo S. Siro, Vigevano, Tromello, Mortara, Cilavegna, Parona, Gravellona and Cassolnovo.

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Take me here: Fagiolo Borlotto di Gambolò

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