• Food & Wine

Flavours and aromas of Valtellina

The Valtellina is a place for relaxation and good living, not least because of its inviting food and wine. Let's go and discover it

Although it may seem obvious that in Italy you can eat well just about anywhere, it is equally well known that some regions and provinces have more to offer than others in terms of food and wine delicacies for true connoisseurs.

This is true of Valtellina, a land of forests, mountains and amazing views, but also of natural foods that are the result of thepeasant tradition and of well-known red wines that are dry and full-bodied and go well with local dishes, perfectly enhancing their taste. 

The region is sheltered from the cold winds from the north and the hot, humid winds from the south thanks to the protection offered by the crown of the Alps, but for many days a year it is bathed in the intense light of the mountain sun.

The microclimate here is particularly favourable for growing vines. The rest is down to the ancient flavours of a cuisine that has stood the test of time and the exquisite local specialities: from Pizzoccheri to Chisciol, from Bitto to Polenta taragna. 

If your mouth is already watering and you'd like to find out more, follow us on our discovery tour of the tastiest places in Valtellina.

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