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East Lombardy

East Lombardy, the European Region of Gastronomy 2017

The territory included in the provinces of Bergamo, Brescia, Cremona and Mantua is the centre of a promotional program that aims at highlighting the characteristics of this territory, a land rich in flavours and excellent products.

The activities of East Lombardy have always been characterized by the awareness that the food proposed by the institutions and territories of Eastern Lombardy can not be only good and healthy. It must also be sustainable. It must come from local supply chains where the environment is respected and the raw materials follow the natural production’s seasons. Moreover, we can not waste it and, if we can, we must re.use it or give it to charities as it is established by the recent laws that enhance the fight against food’s waste of companies and institutions.

East Lombardy is a future-oriented project. The work goes on with meetings and new ideas in order to make the network stronger and stronger, thanks to the cooperation with chefs and producers. The project will propose training courses for operators, exchange of information and tourist proposals to promote the products.
For further information: http://www.eastlombardy.it/it/

•Bergamo: bergamo@eastlombardy.it
•Brescia: brescia@eastlombardy.it
•Cremona: cremona@eastlombardy.it
•Mantua: mantova@eastlombardy.it

Take me here: East Lombardy

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