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Monumental trees in Lombardy: 12 incredible specimens

Plains and mountains, villages and cities, lakes and rivers, cultivated fields and wild forests, noble villas and historic farmsteads: the region offers a rich variety of environments.


Each with its own soul, each with its own traditions. Travelling to discover them often means immersing oneself in places of great, sometimes unexpected beauty. 

A unique way to get to know the different facets of Lombardy is to move through its most representative trees. Extraordinary specimens are located in each of the twelve provinces. Each landscape has its own characteristic species: on the plains, poplars and oaks with mighty trunks stand out in the countryside; as one climbs higher up, one encounters chestnut and beech trees in the woods, and even higher up, slender conifers. 

The bond between man and trees has always been very intense and man-made environments have historically been enriched by ornamental specimens; in cities it is easy to come across centuries-old plane trees or cedars, but also species that come from far away. Incredible examples of monumental exotic plants can be found in the many beautiful historic parks.

Monumental trees not only represent the greatest exponents of the plant world, but also encapsulate in them historical events to be discovered. Each of them allows you to get to know a different and suggestive corner of Lombardy, each of them brings you closer to nature and helps you appreciate it more and more

(Ph: Luca Pernechele)

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