• Active & Green
    • Cycle Tourism
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Cycling from Tresenda to Prato Valentino

Highest point 1685 m
Total elevation gain 1310 m
Total elevation loss 1310 m
Total climb 16,5 km
Total descent 12 km
Total distance 28,5 km
Duration 3 - 4 h
Cycling rate (%) 100%

The ascent to Prato Valentino is the same paved road as track n°  33,  starting  from  Tresenda  rather  than  San  Giacomo.  you  can avoid some traffic congested road taking alternative roads that go up from Castelvetro to Vangione and then from Frigeri to the road that leads to San Rocco.Going  right  afterwards  you  meet  the  ascent  from  Teglio  to  Prato. This paved road, especially in the last part, is very hard. From  Prato  Valentino  starts  the  descent.  This  can  also  be  an  option  for  whom,  doing  trail  n°  10  from  Col  D’Anzana,  wants  to descend downstream quickly. The descent is really easy, on a  reasonably  steep  gravel  road  to  Teglio.  Afterwards  the  trail  features    gravel  road  sections,  (few)  paved  road  sections  and  cemented  ones    among  the  vineyards  above  Tresenda.  From  Prato to Teglio you can follow the signs reporting n° 391- Piazza S. eufemia. Approximately 1,5 km after you have started the descent – in  order  to  avoid  a  rather  hard  section  of  the  single  trail -  you’d  better  not  turn  left  (crossroad  S.Sole-brigna),  but  carry on till the mountain huts bollone, take for a short section the  ascending  trail  and  after  the  first  hairpin  go  back  on  the  gravel road  on the left. Once in Teglio descend to Sommasassa  passing  Palazzo  besta,  run  along  the  namesake  lake,  pass  the  San  Gottardo  little  church  and  start  the  beautiful  descent  among the vineyards that takes back to Tresenda.

Other links

In bicicletta da Aprica alla Val Belviso
In bicicletta da Col d'Anzana alla Val Fontana

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