Alps Store & Fishing Service srl

Via Martin Luther King 4, Grassobbio
Sito ufficiale

PESCA A MOSCA NELLE ALPI OROBIE? Fiumi e Torrenti della Valtellina e Val Chiavenna, pesca a mosca Trote Fario e Marmorate

L'esperienza include l'Accompagnamento con Servizio di Guida di Pesca.
Eventuali trasferimenti sui fiumi e torrenti saranno accordati separatamente.
Alps Store offre un piccolo spuntino a base di prodotti tipici locali. 
L'esperienza non include la licenza temporanea di pesca in Italia (costo 23 Euro) da richiedere direttamente presso Alps Store.

The Italian alps, the mountains, streams, rivers and valleys of northern Italy offer a unique opportunity for fly fishing enthusiasts or fishermen who want to enjoy a memorable trip.

Fishing in Valtellina takes place in one of the most beautiful and evocative valleys of the Italian alps, on the Adda river and the Mera river with their tributaries and alpine lakes. Valtellina is famous for the enormous presence of brown trout, marble trout, rainbow trout. Valtellina is one of the best grayling waters in Italy and certainly one of the most productive in the whole of southern Europe.

The average size of trout and grayling is truly remarkable: it is not difficult to catch many graylings and trouts over 45/50 cm daily.

Valtellina is famous all over the world for Lake Como where the Adda river and the Mera river pour their waters. Enchanting lake landscapes, in a breathtaking mountain environment, culture and traditions typical of this region, Italian culture and lifestyle, are essential components to make our customers live a unique and extraordinary experience.

Our expert fly fishing guides qualified by AIGUPP (Italian Association of Professional Fishing Guides) will be able to accompany you properly.


“our Guides go fishing every week on the waters we propose, they know and experience the seasonal pattern and every small change of the rivers: the water levels and the seasonal hatched make fishing difficult to interpret, and that is where it is essential the work of the Guide. The result of the day of fishing in terms of satisfaction, fishing experience and cultural growth depends on the Guide who accompanies you. It often happens that the deep knowledge of the Guide puts you in a position to be successful even in the most difficult season. Our Guides offer theirs customers the service they would claim themselves when facing a fishing trip”.

Gianluca Bonomi, owner Alps Store & Fishing Services

Certificati di eccellenza

Trip Advisor Experience : Alps Store Guide Fishing Services



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Pesca Mosca Alpi Orobie

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Pesca Mosca Alpi Orobie