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Phone: 3355213469





Santissima Trinità Church

  • Art & Culture
Santissima Trinità Church
849 mt

Crema’s Cathedral

Crema’s Cathedral, entitled to the Holy Lady, is one of the most ancient and interesting monuments in the town.
  • Art & Culture
Crema’s Cathedral
1.09 km

Organ-Making Museum

At Crema's Museum two rooms dedicated to the art of making organs. Discovering Crema's tradition.
  • Art & Culture
Organ-Making Museum
1.12 km

The Museum of Crema and Crema’s area

  • Art & Culture
Museo civico di Crema e Cremasco
1.13 km

Terni de Gregory Palace

  • Art & Culture
 Terni de Gregory Palace
1.14 km

Duomo of Crema

The Duomo of Crema, dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin, is among the oldest and most historic monuments of the city
  • Religious Tourism
Duomo of Crema
1.15 km

Santa Maria della Croce Sanctuary

  • Religious Tourism
Santa Maria della Croce Sanctuary
1.15 km

Golf Crema Resort

  • Golf
Golf Crema Resort, Crema (CR)
2.61 km

Santa Maria della Croce Sanctuary

  • Religious Tourism
Santa Maria della Croce Sanctuary
2.67 km

Cerreto Abbey. A journey of self-discovery

  • Religious Tourism
Cerreto Abbey, Churches Lodi
8.25 km

Santa Maria in Bressanoro Church

  • Art & Culture
Santa Maria in Bressanoro Church
8.31 km

Saint Rocco Church

  • Art & Culture
Saint Rocco Church
9.13 km

Trinity Church

  • Art & Culture
Trinity Church
9.15 km

Isso Tower

  • Art & Culture
Isso Tower
9.24 km

The Crib Church

  • Art & Culture
The Crib Church
9.27 km

San Giuseppe Church

  • Art & Culture
San Giuseppe Church
9.27 km

Visconti Castle of Pandino

Visconti Castle of Pandino is one of the best examples of fortified structures of its century.
  • Art & Culture
Castello Visconteo di Pandino
11.57 km

Santa Margherita V.M. Church

  • Art & Culture
Santa Margherita V.M. Church
11.6 km

Stargazing at the Observatory

  • Art & Culture
Tour to Mairago's observatory
13.86 km

L’Ospedale Maggiore

  • Art & Culture
L’Ospedale Maggiore
14 km