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The High Route of Valmalenco – 1st stage

Place of departure: Torre Santa Maria

Maximum altitude: 2490 m

Difference in altitude: + 1700 m / -400 m

Route time: 7 h

Distance: 14 km

The first stage takes to the foot of the Disgrazia group. The route goes up the Val Torreggio to the Cometti shelter. The highest point culminates with the summit of Sasso Bianco (2490 m), a place that allows a wide 360-degree panoramic view from the Adamello Group to Monte Rosa, from the Orobie Valtellinesi to the Disgrazia, up to the Bernina. It is possible to reduce the length and fatigue by choosing the climb to Piasci with private services or along the variant that leads directly from Piasci to Bosio-Galli shelter. Another variant is indicated by the Arcoglio upper pasture above the church that faces Valmalenco.

NOTE: The road from Torre Santa Maria to Alpe Piasci is subject to the purchase of a permit that can be bought in the centre of the municipality of Torre di Santa Maria (5 euros per day)

BOSIO-GALLI SHELTER: +39 0342 451655

Take me here: The High Route of Valmalenco – 1st stage

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