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The High Route of Valmalenco – 8th stage

Place of departure: Cristina shelter

Maximum altitude: 2300 mt

Difference in altitude: +100 m / -500 m

Route time: 5 h

Distance: 12 km

It is the final stage of the High Route that allows you to return to the main villages of the valley with a highly rewarding itinerary, for the magnificent panorama that gradually embraces most of the tour. From the pleasant valley of Alpe Prabello, take the beautiful mule track that leads to Alpe Acquanera, characterized by the presence of large peat bogs. The route now develops at an altitude at the base of the coastal Monte Acquanera-Monte Cavaglia-Monte Palino, with ups and downs that lead first to Alpe Cavaglia and finally descend to the former ski area of Piazzo Cavalli. Reached Piazzo Cavalli it is possible to descend quickly to Caspoggio by ski slopes and then by public transport again the Torre Santa Maria. As an alternative, from Piazzo Cavalli you can go directly to Torre Santa Maria passing through the residential areas of Prà Mosin and Dagua.

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