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The 10 most spectacular monumental trees in the province of Brescia

The province of Brescia includes, with its large surface area, areas that differ markedly in their characteristics.


From the plains of the Bassa Bresciana we move on to more hilly landscapes such as those of Franciacorta and the areas surrounding the capital city. Climbing further, one reaches large Alpine valleys such as Val Sabbia, Val Trompia and the long Val Camonica. These are carved by the main provincial watercourses: Chiese, Mella and Oglio. Also popular with tourists are the lake areas of Garda, Iseo and Idro. 

In addition to diverse and aesthetically pleasing landscapes, the province can also boast a long history testified by archaeological and artistic sites. Starting chronologically from the rock carvings of the ancient Camunni, one can then admire remains from Roman times (the most famous in Brescia and Sirmione), medieval castles and villages, villas and architecture from modern centuries. 

In contexts so rich in art and nature, there are various monumental trees. The mountainous area, which exceeds 3,000 metres with the peaks of the Adamello Park, is characterised by centuries-old chestnut forests, beech forests and coniferous forests. Hill and lowland environments, as well as lake environments, are home to more ornamental species such as cedars, plane trees and cypresses.

(Ph: Luca Pernechele)

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