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Monuments Pavia

Ancient squares, historic houses, statues, religious buildings, museums ... in Pavia and its province

Monument Pavia, what to see? This campus city has a rich history and is a popular attraction for whoever wishes to discover every monument.

Pavia is full of interesting landmarks, just think of the San Michele Maggiore Basilica, a monument to lombard romantic art, the Cathedral with the equestrian statue of the Sun King in front of it and the church of San Pietro in Ciel D'Oro, resting place of Philosopher Severinus Boethius. 

A monument that you should definitely see in Pavia is the Certosa. Located a few kilometers away of the urban outskirts in a complex that is one-of-a-kind. Its façade is entirely decorated with sculptures and bas-relief paterns. Gian Galeazzo Visconti, Ludovico Sforza, and Beatrice d'Este have a tomb in silent cloisters here. Another monument in Pavia that visitors shouldn't miss is the Ponte Coperto that croses the Ticino river. 

The University is one of the oldest ones in the continent, plus illustrious personalities such as Alessandro Volta, Ugo Foscolo and Carlo Rubbia taught there. Castello Visconteo harbors one of the Civic Museums that are within everybody's grasp. 

Head into the Province and check the monuments of its various towns and villages. Vigevano for example offers the magnificent Piazza Ducale and the Footwear Museum, installed inside an ancient manor.

Take me here: Monuments Pavia

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