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    • Art & Culture

Churches Lodi

Discovering the places of worship of the Lodi area. To fill the spirit between faith and religious art

Churches Lodi. Take a tour through this territory and discover its artistic, cultural and religious landmarks comprising monuments, sacred architecture and churches.

Lombardy offers these opportunities to add a spiritual side to regular tourism.

Lodi was founded by Holy Roman Emperor Federick II, it is an entrance to the lower plains. Start visiting churches in Lodi at Piazza Vittoria and the imposing Cathedral. At the end of a narrow alley you will stumble upon the Beata Vergine Incoronata Temple, a Renaissance masterpiece erected over the ruins of a brothel. It guards precious golden furnishings, a frescoed dome and a Treasure Museum in the spaces below the sacristy.

Amid the most paricular churches in Lombardy there is that dedicated to S. Francesco and its open mullioned windows.You can find its real wonders inside, with columns displaying frescoes about the life of saints.

Visit the churches of San Lorenzo, plus the rococo one for S. Filippo Neri and the majolica rose window of  S. Agnese. Visiting the premises of Santa Maria delle Grazie is particularly popular due to a miraculous image of the Virgin Mary. 

Tourism in Lodi takes you into the countryside and see Lodi Vecchio, with the 12 Apostles Basilica and the oratory of S. Biagio in Rossate in Comazzo.

immagine di copertina: @www.lodiedintorni.com
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