• Cycle Tourism
    • Active & Green

MTB - Percorsi a Castello dell'Acqua

The Municipal authorities of Castello dell'Acqua recently carried out relevant works on the trails, which were cleaned, mapped and provided with signs. The result is a network of well-kept trails that can be explored by feet or by mountain bike.

The trails are diverse and with different levels of difficulty, including cobblestone mule tracks, steep slopes and trails with sharp turns.

Due to the presence of an ethnographic route that leads to a Mill and a Forge, it is advisable to moderate speed and pay attention to hikers.

The starting point for all paths is the rest area close to the sports ground in Cavallari, the route then leads to the town center and continues towards Alpe Piazzola (elevation 1200 m) and its wonderful sights . The road is paved until the elevation of 920 m, then becomes a dirt road. The gradient is on average 7/8%, but in some point it exceeds 10%.

Who is looking for a  less challenging excursion, could consider parking in Cà Gianni (860 m) or Alpe Piazzola. In this case it is necessary to buy a permit (€ 5, on sale at the bar in San Giacomo - for those arriving from the SS38, on the right ride of the road after crossing the river Adda).

The pdf file providing the maps and the route details of the following paths can be downloaded at the bottom of the page:

  • Dos Segurell - Arigna
  • Piazzola - Cà Bonalli
  • Piazzola - Campisc
  • Piazzola - Val Grande

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