• Cycle Tourism

MTB-Berbenno, Alpe Caldenno

Berbenno di Valtellina, Polaggia, Gaggio, Prà Isio, Alpe Caldenno - ritorno a Berbenno di Valtellina

A big total difference in altitude and length mean that less fit riders will need medium pedal assist. From Polaggia, a hamlet in Berbenno, you pedal up a tarmacked road, following signs for Gaggio and Prà Isio. A series of constant gradient hairpins in the woods bring you to the meadows in Gaggio. A concrete road then leads to Prà Isio on the other side of the trees. The natural terrace of the Alps offers wonderful views of the middle Valtellina and Orobic mountain peaks. From the top of the meadows, continue right along the rough track into the Caldenno valley: the gradient lessens below the characteristic group of mountain chalets on the mountain of the same name. The last steep hairpins take you to the small church: to the north you can see the summits of Corni Bruciati. From Berbenno you can also ride along the ridge to Prà Maslin.

(texts and technical data by Federico Pollini)

Departure / return place: S. Pietro Berbenno 430 m

Arrival place / maximum quota: Alpe Caldenno 1800 m

Total gradient slopes: 1370 m

Total gradient descents: 1370 m

Slopes’ total length : 14,9 km

Descents’ total length : 14,9 km

Plain total length : 0 km

Total kilometers: 29,8 km

Slopes’ middle inclination: 9 %

Slopes’ maximum inclination: 12%

Time taken: 3-4 h

Difficulty: difficult

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