• Cycle Tourism
    • Navigli
    • Active & Green

Cycling to Cernusco sul Naviglio

Cernusco sul Naviglio is crossed by over 70 km of cycle paths and is recognised as a “cycle city” by FIAB - Federazione Italiana Ambiente e Bicicletta because of its great attention to sustainable mobility.

The Naviglio della Martesana is the canal that for centuries was the bearing axis of the economy for the entire area and it is flanked by a cycle and foot path of 32 km, connecting Milano to Trezzo d’Adda. From Cernusco sul Naviglio it is easy to reach the cycle paths along the Lambro river and the Villoresi canal, crossing Brianza and Nord Milano, or reach Pavia following the trail of the old Milanese canals.

In the section crossing Cernusco sul Naviglio, a short distance from the pedestrian historical centre, with its over 100 shops and associations, a series of parks embraces over 3 kilometres of the canal banks.

Along Naviglio di Martesana, since the end of the XVII century, noble families built their summer residences. Villa Alari Visconti di Saliceto is one of the richest and majestic of the Milanese villas.  Villa Biancani Greppi is now the council building. While Villa Uboldo is the hospital site, with a romantic English garden, now a public park.

These are not the only villas in the section where the Adda river reaches the Milano Centrale train station, there are dozens of villas, the historical centre and green spaces crossed by cycle and foot paths running along the Naviglio della Martesana, crossing an area full of history and nature.

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