• Cycle Tourism
    • Active & Green
    • Mountains

MTB: Castello dell'Acqua, alpe Piazzola

This route is not particularly difficult, as its length, difference in altitude and gradients are feasible.

It starts in the car park near the new sports centre in Castello dell’Acqua and follows the Sentiero Valtellina westwards to Ponte del Bahetto (Chiuro). From here you begin to climb on tarmac to the municipal square. Still on tarmac, you continue through several hamlets nestling among the chestnut woods.

The last part over compact rough terrain brings you to the mountain chalets at Alpe Piazzola (holiday farmhouse), a large rise offering splendid views of middle Valtellina. The downhill route is different from the uphill one, and two short detours let you visit a watermill with horizontal blades, a “pila”, the ancient machine used for hulling chestnuts and cereals and an old blacksmith’s forge.

(texts and technical data by Federico Pollini)

Departure / return place: Castello dell’Acqua 370 m
Arrival place / maximum quota: Alpe Piazzola 1200 m
Total gradient slopes: 830 m
Total gradient descents: 830 m
Slopes’ total length : 10,6 m
Descents’ total length: 10,6 m
Plain total length : 4 km
Total kilometers: 25,2 km
Slopes’ middle inclination: 6%
Slopes’ maximum inclination: 12%
Time taken: 2-3 h
Difficulty medium

Take me here: MTB: Castello dell'Acqua, alpe Piazzola

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