• Cycle Tourism

MTB-Boirolo (Tresivio), Bocchetta Mara

Riders must consider the average and very high maximum gradient and very long stretches requiring medium/high pedal assist. We suggest the car park at 1500 m asl as the starting point to avoid beginning in Tresivio, adding another 1000 metres to the difference and using up all the battery unless you are extremely fit. Just after Boirolo, the concrete road winds up steeply and continues along the ridge, entering the deep valley of Rogneda on the right-hand side where you will come to the first farmhouse. Another steep stretch and a crossing to the left lead to Alpe Rogneda. From here you pedal along a slightly less steep, loose rough track, to below Bocchetta di Mara (the last 50 metres along a trail), from where you can enjoy views of the surrounding mountains and Valtellina.

(texts and technical data by Federico Pollini)

Departure / return place: Boirolo (Tresivio) 1500m

Arrival place / maximum quota: Bocchetta Mara 2340m

Total gradient slopes: 840m

Total gradient descents: 840m

Slopes’ total length : 6,1 km

Descents’ total length : 6,1 km

Plain total length : 0 km

Total kilometers: 12,2 km

Slopes’ middle inclination: 14 %

Slopes’ maximum inclination: 25%

Time taken: 2-3 h

Difficulty: difficult

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