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Bergamo, hunting for flavors

Valleys of extraordinary beauty, like the city that looks at them from the walls. Wines, cheeses, pasta.
  • Food & Wine
Bergamo, hunting for flavors

8 summer festivals not to be missed

Festivals that reveal a region rich with tradition and plenty of tasty treats!
  • Food & Wine
Sagra di San Giovanni - Ossuccio - Isola Comacina

Immerse yourself online in art in Lombardy

Visit online the architectural beauties, cities, monuments, museums, exhibitions and places of culture in Lombardy
  • Art & Culture
Immerse yourself online in art in Lombardy

Where to Go Fishing in Lombardy

Carps, chars, trout. River and lake fish. Some advice on where to go fishing in Lombardy. From Pavia to Como
  • Active & Green
Where to go fishing in Lombardy, hints and ideas

Insider Orobie

From the Valle Brembana to the Val Seriana. Discover seven tips from those who have travelled the Bergamo Orobie far and wide
  • Mountains
Passo Aviasco

Bergamo Città Bassa

Glimpses of ancient villages along the main communication routes between the upper city and the territory
  • Art & Culture
Bergamo Città Bassa (Lower City)

Skiing in Piani di Bobbio

The Piani di Bobbio, in Valsassina, are marvellous during the summer season, and become enchanting during the winter
  • Mountains
A tutto sci ai Piani di Bobbio

Imagna Valley among woods, spirituality, and villages

Tra sentieri e mulattiere accompagnati dal dolce fruscio delle foglie
  • Mountains
Imagna Valley among woods, spirituality, and villages