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Action sports in Lombardy

From Lake Garda to Val Brembana, 5 action sports destinations offering a hefty dose of adrenaline
  • Active & Green
Action sports in Lombardy

Centre of colico

Discover what to see in Colico, the pearl of Lake Lecco.
  • Lakes
Centre of Colico

Milan and Lake Como

Milan, city of a thousand histories. Plus, a trip to Lake Como
  • Art & Culture

Lombardy's highest steeples and bell towers

There are four bell towers from which to admire the region's beautiful landscapes and squares, all of them over 90 metres high
  • Art & Culture
Lombardy's highest steeples and bell towers

Lake Como in 5 Villas

Como, Varenna, Bellagio. Go for Villas on Lake Como, discovering enchanted gardens and work of art
  • Lakes
Lake Como in 5 Villas

Gardens Como

Lake Como is famous for its villas with fantastic gardens: let's discover them together!
  • Active & Green
Gardens Como, discovering Lombardy

Legend of the Seven Brothers

An evocative tale of eight brothers, linked to each other, who lived in the Lecco area
  • Art & Culture
Traditions of Lecco: Legend of the Seven Brothers

La Via Regina

The Queen of the Ways, ancient, crucial. A network of travellers’ hospices and monuments evidence of the historic importance of the route
  • Religious Tourism
La Via Regina