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  • Art & Culture
Infopoint piazza trento e trieste
354 mt

Musei Civici di Monza

Monza and its history in a rediscovered museum. The collections of the city are in Casa degli Umiliati.
  • Art & Culture
Monza, Musei Civici di Monza
402 mt

Chapel of teodolinda

In the Cathedral of Monza, a chapel tells the story of Queen Teodolinda.
  • Religious Tourism
Chapel of Teodolinda
474 mt

Saletta Reale della Stazione

  • Art & Culture
Saletta Reale della Stazione
490 mt

Duomo di Monza

A history of more than 1400 years and a priceless treasure are kept in the basilica dedicated to St. John the Baptist.
  • Religious Tourism
Duomo di Monza, Churches of Monza
517 mt

From the pulpit: Monza’s Arengario

  • Art & Culture
From the pulpit: Monza’s Arengario
531 mt

Cappella espiatoria

  • Art & Culture
Cappella espiatoria
1.11 km

Royal gardens of monza

40 hectares for romantic walks, between art and nature. The Monza Royal Gardens also contain a charming rose garden.
  • Active & Green
Royal gardens of monza
1.35 km

The Twin Oaks of Villa Reale

Size, position, elegance: this is why the famous oaks of the Royal Villa excel among the tree monuments of Monza and Brianza.
  • Art & Culture
The Twin Oaks of Villa Reale
1.38 km

Niso Fumagalli Rose Garden

The Niso Fumagalli rose garden alongside the Villa Reale in Monza hosts more than 4000 rose varieties from all over the world.
  • Active & Green
Niso Fumagalli Rose Garden
1.39 km

Royal Villa of Monza and gardens

  • Art & Culture
Royal Villa of Monza and gardens
1.39 km

Villa Reale of Monza

  • Art & Culture
Villa Reale of Monza
1.4 km

Serrone of Villa Reale

  • Art & Culture
Roseto - Serrone of Villa Reale - Monza
1.44 km

Rotonda dell'Appiani

  • Art & Culture
Rotonda degli Appiani
1.48 km

Torretta Viscontea

  • Art & Culture
Torretta Viscontea - Parco di Monza - ph: Ilcittadinomb.it
1.8 km

Villa Mirabellino

  • Art & Culture
Villa Mirabellino - Parco di Monza - ph fondoambiente.it
2.63 km

Villa Mirabello

  • Art & Culture
Villa Mirabello - monzaindiretta.it
2.73 km

Monza Park

  • Active & Green
Monza Park
3.11 km

Vedano al Lambro

Near Monza, in the Lambro Valley. From Villa Zendali to the Church of Santo Stefano, discover the treasures of Vedano al Lambro.
  • Art & Culture
Vedano al Lambro, Il Giardino dei Finzi Contini
3.19 km

Autodromo Nazionale di Monza

Motor sports and high speeds
  • Sport
Autodromo Nazionale di Monza
3.24 km