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The Queriniana Library and the Bishop's Palace

  • Art & Culture
The Queriniana Library and the Bishop's Palace
78 mt

Roman Basilica

  • Art & Culture
Roman Basilica
153 mt

Palazzo Martinengo

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Martinengo
165 mt

Piazza del Foro

  • Art & Culture
Piazza del Foro
176 mt

The Broletto Palace

  • Art & Culture
The Broletto Palace
193 mt

Angelo Maria Querini

  • Art & Culture
Angelo Maria Querini
199 mt

The Old Cathedral

  • Art & Culture
The Old Cathedral
199 mt

Piazza Paolo VI (formerly Piazza del Duomo)

  • Art & Culture
Piazza Paolo VI (formerly Piazza del Duomo)
199 mt

Lombards in Italy Places of Power

  • Unesco Sites
Longobardi in Italia luoghi del potere
211 mt

The Capitolium and the Roman Forum

  • Unesco Sites
The Capitolium and the Roman Forum
211 mt

The Republican Sanctuary

  • Art & Culture
The Republican Sanctuary
211 mt

Teatro Grande

  • Art & Culture
Teatro Grande
270 mt

Teatro Grande

Three hundred years of history, scenic games and rococo Venetian at the Teatro Grande in Brescia, stage of the most important opera
  • Art & Culture
Teatro Grande
274 mt

The Arcade and the Clock Tower

  • Art & Culture
The Arcade and the Clock Tower
280 mt

Lake fish

  • Lakes
Lake fish
289 mt

Piazza della Loggia

With the Clock Tower, the arcades and its Renaissance architecture, Piazza della Loggia is one of the landmarks of Brescia
  • Art & Culture
Piazza della Loggia Brescia
320 mt

Piazza della Vittoria

  • Art & Culture
Piazza della Vittoria
321 mt

Nicolò Tartaglia

  • Art & Culture
Nicolò Tartaglia
329 mt

La Lodoìga

  • Art & Culture
La Lodoìga
346 mt

The Palace of the Loggia

  • Art & Culture
The Palace of the Loggia
346 mt