La Dama del Lago


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For information about the availability of rooms please contact the property at the following addresses:

Phone: 3482306810





Ghirla Hammer

  • Art & Culture
Ghirla Hammer
5.16 km

Lake Lugano

  • Lakes
Lake Lugano
6.11 km

Badia di Ganna

  • Religious Tourism
Badia di Ganna
7.12 km

Monte San Giorgio

  • Unesco Sites
Monte San Giorgio
7.83 km

Cassano Valcuvia

An area immersed in nature and history
  • Active & Green
Cassano Valcuvia
8.34 km

Mount Orsa

  • Active & Green
Mount Orsa
8.64 km

Monteviasco | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau

  • Villages
Monteviasco | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau
9.09 km

Villa Cicogna Mozzoni

  • Art & Culture
Villa Cicogna Mozzoni
9.23 km


  • Lakes
10.56 km

Belvedere Path

Luino: from the highlands of Lake Maggiore, passing through Colmegna, to Maccagno
  • Mountains
Belvedere Path
10.67 km

The Plane Trees of Luino

The last surviving specimens of Luino's famous lineage of plane trees tower elegantly in one of the city's most beautiful squares.
  • Art & Culture
The Plane Trees of Luino
10.74 km

Palazzo Verbania

  • Art & Culture
10.95 km

The Luino lakeside park

  • Parks
The Luino lakeside park
11.1 km

Path of the sun and path of the moon

  • Active & Green
Path of the sun and path of the moon
11.2 km

Following the trenches on Monte Generoso

  • Active & Green
Following the trenches on Monte Generoso
11.6 km

Lanzo - Sighignola

  • Active & Green
Lanzo - Sighignola
12.15 km

Induno Olona

Important in the past due to its numerous factories, Induno still retains a certain historical-industrial relevance today
  • Art & Culture
Induno Olona
12.26 km

Sacro Monte Varese

  • Religious Tourism
Sacro Monte Varese
12.43 km

Sacri Monti in Piedmont and Lombardy

  • Unesco Sites
Sacri Monti in Piedmont and Lombardy
12.43 km

Village of curiglia con monteviasco

  • Villages
Village of Curiglia con Monteviasco
12.44 km