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For information about the availability of rooms please contact the property at the following addresses:

Phone: 3406753630




  • Giardino
  • Parcheggio coperto
  • Servizio shuttle (stazione ferroviaria)
  • Si accettano animali di piccola taglia
  • W-LAN


Piazza Paolo VI (formerly Piazza del Duomo)

  • Art & Culture
Piazza Paolo VI (formerly Piazza del Duomo)
34 mt

Angelo Maria Querini

  • Art & Culture
Angelo Maria Querini
34 mt

The Old Cathedral

  • Art & Culture
The Old Cathedral
34 mt

Lake fish

  • Lakes
Lake fish
102 mt

The Broletto Palace

  • Art & Culture
The Broletto Palace
112 mt

Piazza della Vittoria

  • Art & Culture
Piazza della Vittoria
124 mt

The Queriniana Library and the Bishop's Palace

  • Art & Culture
The Queriniana Library and the Bishop's Palace
140 mt

The Arcade and the Clock Tower

  • Art & Culture
The Arcade and the Clock Tower
152 mt

Piazza della Loggia

With the Clock Tower, the arcades and its Renaissance architecture, Piazza della Loggia is one of the landmarks of Brescia
  • Art & Culture
Piazza della Loggia Brescia
161 mt

Teatro Grande

  • Art & Culture
Teatro Grande
180 mt

Teatro Grande

Three hundred years of history, scenic games and rococo Venetian at the Teatro Grande in Brescia, stage of the most important opera
  • Art & Culture
Teatro Grande
186 mt

La Lodoìga

  • Art & Culture
La Lodoìga
189 mt

The Palace of the Loggia

  • Art & Culture
The Palace of the Loggia
189 mt

Church of Sant'Agata

  • Art & Culture
Church of Sant'Agata
204 mt

Piazza del Mercato

  • Art & Culture
Piazza del Mercato
231 mt

Museo Diocesano

  • Art & Culture
Museo Diocesano
302 mt

Palazzo Martinengo

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Martinengo
313 mt

Piazzetta Curt dei Pulì

  • Art & Culture
Piazzetta Curt dei Pulì
327 mt

Roman Basilica

  • Art & Culture
Roman Basilica
352 mt

Piazza del Foro

  • Art & Culture
Piazza del Foro
367 mt