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Parks to rediscover the wildlife

True sanctuaries dedicated to biodiversity, these nature reserves safeguard Lombardy's wildlife heritage and teach us to respect it
  • Parks
Parks to rediscover the wildlife - istockphoto - folaga lago di comabbio

Churches Lodi

Discovering the places of worship of the Lodi area. To fill the spirit between faith and religious art
  • Religious Tourism
Churches Lodi, exploring Lombardy

The via Francigena

A road travelled for centuries by pilgrims, who headed South and made enormous sacrifices to reach the goal of the longed-for eternal city.
  • Religious Tourism
The via Francigena

Summer at the park

Swimming pools, attractions, shows, adventure, sport: enjoy summer in Lombardy’s most beautiful amusement parks
  • Lifestyle
Summer at the park

History of Lodi

  • Villages
History of Lodi

Sports Tourism Lombardy

The different landscapes of this area of ​​Lombardy allow every sportsman to experiment with different disciplines
  • Active & Green
Sports tourism Lombardy, adventurous proposals

Itineraries. Slow biking in Lodi

Cycling along the Adda, you will discover a territory full of surprises.
  • Cycle Tourism
Itineraries. Slow biking in Lodi

The green route along the Muzza Canal, between Lodi and Lodi Vecchio

  • Cycle Tourism
The green route along the Muzza Canal, between Lodi and Lodi Vecchio