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The Caucasian Walnut of Parco Sempione

  • Active & Green
The Caucasian Walnut of Parco Sempione

The Cedar of Villa Olmo

With its large foliage, incredibly sinuous branches and scenic location, the cedar of Villa Olmo is the most famous tree in Como.
  • Lakes
The Cedar of Villa Olmo

Serrone of Villa Reale

  • Art & Culture
Roseto - Serrone of Villa Reale - Monza

Rugareto Forest

Discover this beautiful forest in Cislago, in the province of Varese
  • Parks
Rugareto Forest

The Ginkgo Biloba in the Estensi Gardens

  • Art & Culture
The Ginkgo Biloba in the Estensi Gardens

Casto Forge Park

  • Parks
Casto Forge Park

Bosco Virgiliano

Today the Bosco is the biggest park in the town and is managed by the Associazione Anticittà
  • Active & Green
Bosco Virgiliano

The Bertone Park

Today visitors can use the many paths and walkways to explore the villa’s grounds and admire the lake and the rich vegetation
  • Parks
Parco delle Bertone