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Villa Cusani Tittoni Traversi

In Desio, Monza e Brianza, Villa Cusani Tittoni Traversi is an elegant family residence with a history going back two centuries.
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Villa Cusani Tittoni Traversi, Monumenti Monza

Villa Bagatti Valsecchi

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Villa Bagatti Valsecchi

Royal gardens of monza

40 hectares for romantic walks, between art and nature. The Monza Royal Gardens also contain a charming rose garden.
  • Active & Green
Giardini Reali di Villa Reale, Monza - @inLombardia

Carate Brianza

From the Basilica of Saints Pietro e Paolo to Villa Cusani Confalonieri, Carate Brianza is a small treasure chest to explore.
  • Art & Culture
Villa Cusani Confalonieri, Carate Brianza

Villa Taverna

Located in the heart of Brianza, Villa Taverna in Triuggio is one of the most beautiful aristocratic residences in Lombardy.
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Villa Taverna

Cappella espiatoria

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Cappella espiatoria

Sanctuary of Santa Maria Assunta in Rancate

  • Art & Culture
Sanctuary of Santa Maria Assunta in Rancate


Brianza’s very own Sistine Chapel? The church of San Vittore. Find out what to see in Meda, the furniture capital of Monza e Brianza.
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