I found 338 results for bergamo

Santa Maria della Neve Church

The Tinazzo is located in the Northern part of the old road which used to connect Cremona to Bergamo. The name Tinazzo derives from the pond which used to cover the area of the river Oglio. We have some news about the Parkdating back to the 16th Century, but in the 18th Century some new essences were introduced. The little Madonna delle Nevi Church, known as Madonna del Tinazzo, dates back to the same age of the park. It was built in 1510 and it presents a sober hut-shaped facade with a central portal and oculo. The internal part of the church is covered with some votive frescoes which date back to the 16th Century.

Santa Maria delle Grazie Church

Santa Maria delle Grazie Church is located in the old  Calciana Road which connected Bergamo to Cremona. It was built in 1501 by the Carmelite Friars. In 1536 it became the private chapel of Stampa Family. In 1772, after the Edict issued by  Maria Teresa which eliminated the monasteries, the Carmelite Friars had to leave Soncino. Their Church started to deteriorate and in 1864, the Saint from Soncino Paola Elisabetta Cerioli, who founded the Suore della Sacra Famiglia, bought the monastery and the church and completely restored them. The church has a rectangular layout, a single nave and five chapels per side. The internal part is covered with frescos by Giulio Campi, Bernardino and Francesco Carminati and Francesco Scanzi (from Soncino).

Along the walled city's cycling path

Along the walled city's cycling path

Il monte Resegone

The mountain Resegone with its unforgettable profile as a saw is silhouetted against Lecco and all Brianza.

Monastero di San Giacomo Maggiore

Otherwise known as the Abbey of Pontida, the Benedictine monastic complex is located in the homonymous Municipality in the Province of Bergamo
Monastero di San Giacomo Maggiore, Churches of Bergamo

A wedding weekend in Lombardy: how, where, why

Discover the places and flavours of Lombardy and pick the perfect venue for your wedding
A wedding weekend in Lombardy: how, where, why

Park Bergamask Orobie

In the park that includes a hundred of lakes, both natural and artificial, the ptarmigan and the golden eagle are at home
Bergamo Orobie Mountains Park

Immerse yourself online in art in Lombardy

Visit online the architectural beauties, cities, monuments, museums, exhibitions and places of culture in Lombardy
Immerse yourself online in art in Lombardy

Lorenzo Rota Botanical Gardens

A small naturist laboratory where the passion and the art of the workers bring together exotic plants with the indigenous ones
Lorenzo Rota Botanical Gardens


Taleggio DOP, a great talent of Italian cuisine makes Italians good forks, true gourmets

Under the ground, to discover the caves of Lombardy

On a trip to the caves of Lombardy
Under the ground, to discover the caves of Lombardy

What to do in Lake Iseo

L’isola lacustre più alta d’Europa. La Valle Camonica e la Franciacorta. Il Sebino e i suoi itinerari. 10 cose da fare sul Lago d’Iseo