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Phone: 347 1603877





Padernello Castle

A legend say that Padernello Castel, situated in Borgo San Giacomo (BS), is home for the ghost of a young woman dressed in white wanders.
  • Art & Culture
Padernello Castle
7.76 km

The Cedar of Verolanuova

The foliage of a large cedar tree elegantly overlooks the vast Piazza Libertà in Verolanuova
  • Villages
The Cedar of Verolanuova
11.12 km

Park North Oglio

  • Parks
Park North Oglio
13.26 km

Santa Maria delle Grazie Church

  • Art & Culture
Santa Maria delle Grazie Church
14.32 km

Civic Archaeological Museum Aquaria

  • Art & Culture
Civic Archaeological Museum Aquaria
14.42 km


Rye and canals surround the red brick walls: this is Soncino, a walled village and an oasis of Renaissance beauty in the countryside.
  • Villages
14.42 km

The Sforza Fortress in Soncino

The best-maintained castle in Lombardy
  • Art & Culture
The Sforza Fortress in Soncino
14.43 km

The Silk Museum

  • Art & Culture
The Silk Museum
14.43 km

Soncino Castle

  • Villages
Soncino Castle
14.46 km

Print Museum

Set up inside the so-called 'Casa degli Stampatori' in Soncino, the museum displays presses, composites and typographic boxes
  • Art & Culture
Print Museum
14.49 km

Santa Maria Assunta Church

  • Art & Culture
Santa Maria Assunta Church
14.51 km

San Giacomo Church

  • Art & Culture
San Giacomo Church
14.52 km

Rocca Sforzesca

Built in the 10th century, Rocca Sforzesca is one of the best-preserved traditional examples of military architecture.
  • Art & Culture
Rocca Sforzesca
14.53 km

The Printing Museum

  • Art & Culture
The Printing Museum
14.61 km