• Itinerari

From Ostiano to St Matteo

From: Ostiano (CR)
To: Viadana (MN)
Mountain bike
4 ore
Uphill: 597m

Pay a visit to the Gonzaga Castle before leaving Ostiano, you will find the ruins of a synagogue inside it.


Get back on track for the last stage of this itinerary and go on through a familiar landscape. The remaining kilometers can be traversed along both banks of the Oglio river thanks to its ring-shaped bike lane. The river's reach increasing as more tributaries converge, like the Chiese river for instance, which counts with an interesting cycling lane that takes to Lake Garda.

The road splits away from the river for a few kilometers in order to arrive to Redondesco, where the terrible battle of Vercellae took place. In the year 101 B.C, the Roman army defeated a Germanic expeditionary force, leaving around 140,000 casualities. The castle of Redondesco bears witness to following, albeit less cruel, battles over the years.

The Oglio river flows into the Po near the town of San Matteo. If you wish to keep pedaling after this experience, the Po river's bankside roads are perfect for exploring it in both directions.


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