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Zoate Golf Club

A Club that welcomes guests to an old country village and combines the charm of the place with the technical excellence of a course.
  • Golf
Zoate Golf Club

Ticinese columns of San Lorenzo

  • Lifestyle
Ticinese columns of San Lorenzo

Villa Belgiojoso Bonaparte

  • Art & Culture
Villa Belgiojoso Bonaparte, Milan's Royal Mansion

Sant'Ambrogio Basilica

One of the symbols of the city of Milan, is dedicated to its patron saint, whose feast is celebrated every year on December 7th
  • Religious Tourism
Sant'Ambrogio Basilica, a monumental landmark

Pontoon bridge

This bridge is one of the last remaining pontoon bridges in Italy.
  • Navigli
Ponte delle barche

Cassinetta di Lugagnano

Cassinetta di Lugagnano is the village of noble Milanese villas, to be discovered by bike or by boat along the Naviglio Grande.
  • Villages
Cassinetta di Lugagnano

Piccolo Teatro

"An Arts Theatre for Everyone" since 1947.
  • Art & Culture
Piccolo Teatro

Museo Mangini Bonomi

Housed in an elegant Milanese building, the museum exhibits an extensive collection organized in 40 sections
  • Art & Culture
Museo Mangini Bonomi, Musei Milano