• Religious Tourism
    • Food & Wine

Medieval cookery at the Abbazia di Morimondo

What did regular people eat in medieval times? What was the hospitality like in Lombardy's religious sites back then?

Discover all this and more by visiting the Abbazia di Morimondo, where a series of studies have shown new light on the lives led by Cistercian monks in the abbey back in the Middle Ages.

Starting from the 12th century, monks were not just active in agricultural production, but also provided hospitality to poor people and pilgrims. The documents have revealed the kind of food products the monks focused on, including oil, spices, salt, pepper and dates. Moreover, the studies also made the important discovery of a mid-12th-century four-course menu.

A number of fascinating initiatives have sprung up in Morimondo courtesy of these discoveries, inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit of the monks, who spread the word of the gospel through their work in the fields and care of the needy. These projects are giving visitors incredible insight into medieval cooking and enabling them to try new religious experiences.

As you can see, religious tourism in Lombardy not only opens doors to places of peace and prayer, but also shines a light on ancient history and traditions. Discover the religious experiences waiting for you on your journey.

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