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Mantua, Festival City

Mantua is a living city 365 days a year. Thanks to international festivals. Starting from the prestigious Festivaletteratura

For the last 20 years, Festivaletteratura – the festival of all festivals – has brought the public closer to the world of literature through countless events featuring Pulitzer and Nobel Prize holders, workshops with successful authors and public readings in squares, theatres, palazzos.

Yet the festival – which will be looking to attract even more visitors than it did in 2016, when Mantua was the Italian Capital of Culture – is just one of a whole host of other cultural events held in the UNESCO World Heritage site city.

The year kicks off with MantovaMusic, a series of 50 events including I Concerti della Domenica at Teatro Bibiena.

April brings with it MantovaDanza, while the delights of Trame Sonore return in May, with chamber orchestras performing in sumptuous Renaissance surroundings alongside works by Giulio Romano, Mantegna and Rubens.

MantovArchittetura begins in mid-spring, with visits from top architects, lectures by Prizker prize-winners and exhibitions exploring the relationship between architecture and urban planning.

Also not to be missed are the Food & Science Festival and Mantova Creativa, as well as Mantovafilmfest in August. Mantova Jazz and Segni d’Infanzia round the year off in October and November.

Make sure you take note of the events you want to visit!

Take me here: Mantua, Festival City

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