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Museums Lecco

Known above all for 'I Promessi Sposi' by Manzoni, Lecco is also rich in history and culture to be discovered in the Civic Museums

Museums Lecco. This fascinating territory offers the possibility of discovering some unique museums in Lombardy. With so many interesting structures, landmarks and attractions, it is the perfect destination for cultural tourism. 

Lecco draws tourists from all over the country with famous exhibition grounds and less-known galleries that are nonetheless worth visiting. One of the museums in Lecco that visitors should not miss are the House of Manzoni, childhood and adolescence residence of the author of The Betrothed

Get the chance of visiting the museums in Lecco's Belgiojoso Villa: the Natural History Musem and those of Archeology and Industry. Then there is the Visconti Tower, where numerous temporary exhibitions take place, Palazzo delle Paure, a space for contemporary art and the Planetarium of corso Matteotti for astronomy enthusiasts. 

Other museums in Lombardy worthy your attention are located in the countryside, like that erected in the heart of the Moto Guzzi factory in Mandello del Lario, birthplace of the legendary motorbike brand.    

By enjoying tourism in Lecco it is possible to find out particular museums such as the ones focusing on the work of Medardo Rosso in Barzio or that of the Nativity in Osnago and the Ecomuseum of Adda North.

Take me here: Museums Lecco

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