The Red Oak of Porta Ticinese There are two monuments that characterise Piazza XXIV Maggio, one architectural and one arboreal: Porta Ticinese and the big red oak. Active & Green
Bridge of Paderno d'Adda Also known as the Rothlisberger Bridge it is a rail-road traffic and connects Paderno and Calusco through the Adda River Art & Culture
Prada Foundation Chaired by Miuccia Prada and Patrizio Bertelli, it is an institution dedicated to contemporary art and culture Art & Culture
Darsena di Milano As well as being the city’s port, in the past the Darsena was also a highly important water junction. Navigli
Poldi Pezzoli Museum An elegant 19th-century aristocratic residence, displaying the private collection of its former owner Art & Culture
Cascina Rosa Botanical Gardens From weeds of an abandoned farmhouse, it has blossomed in a short time a well-kept garden, the Orto Botanico di Cascina Rosa Active & Green