• Religious Tourism
    • Art & Culture

Churches Mantua

Discovering the places of worship of the Mantuan area. To fill the spirit between faith and religious art

Churches Mantua. A journey through this province will lead you to some of the most interesting churches in Lombardy.

Places of worship are often very popular landmarks for any itinerary involving tourism.

Mantua was founded by the Gonzaga family and has been awarded the title of Italian Culture Capital for 2016. It boasts several religious structures such as temples, sanctuaries and Renaissance buildings you should not miss.

Start with the Cathedral, built in the XVth century and restored by Giulio Romano, it guards paintings by Veronese and Campi, plus the remains of Sant’Anselmo. It stands in the  Piazza Sordello which hosts the  Festivaletteratura every year.

While visiting churches in Mantua, it is possible to stumble upon the Rotonda di San Lorenzo, an ancient example of Romanic architecture commissioned by Matilde di Canossa.

Leon Battista Alberti designed various churches in Lombardy and the rest of the country. Here you can find his creations, the Temple Leon Battisti Alberti and Basilica of  Sant’Andrea,  with the tomb of Andrea Mantegna and important relics.

Tourism in Mantua's countryside gives you the chance of visiting the Abbey of San Benedetto in Polirone, the churches of Incoronata in Sabbioneta and  Santuario Beata Vergine Maria delle Grazie in Curtatone.

Take me here: Churches Mantua

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