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The High Route of Valmalenco – 7th stage

Place of departure: Bignami shelter

Maximum altitude: 2601 m

Difference in altitude: + 700 m / -800 m

Route time: 6.30 h

Distance: 14 km

Stage of naturalistic interest and of notable development, but without big difficulties; from Bignami shelter you cross the circus with the glacial streams (bridges) up to Alpe Gembrè and from here on a wide mule track you reach the chalets of the Alpe Val Poschiavina. When you go up the entire evocative and relaxing valley, you meet the most challenging stretches in the ascent to the passes where you can enjoy a beautiful view of Val Poschiavo and the peaks of the Ortles-Cevedale and Adamello groups. From Passo Campagneda descend towards the pastures of the homonymous mountain pasture meeting a series of pleasant lakes and then turning south-west towards Alpe Prabello and Cristina shelter; the basic route, of similar length and duration, includes the descent to Gera dam (2100 m).


Cà Runcasch shelter: 347 9804889

Cristina shelter: +39 0342 452398

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