• Religious Tourism
    • Art & Culture

Churches Cremona

Religious tourism is an important attraction of Italian tourism. Cremona does not miss the appeal with basilicas and sanctuaries

Churches Cremona. Let us reccomend you 13 of the most appreciated churches in Lombardy, painted by artists hired by the Campi family. Standing above all of them is that of Santa Maria Assunta.

Tourism in Cremona offers a religious heritage that is not yet widely renowned, nonetheless, it is definitely worth visiting. The churches in Cremona mentioned in the following guide are some of the main attractions of this territory.  

Admire art from different eras in these splendid places of worship and immerse yourselves in an atmosphere that exudes culture at every corner. Do not miss the famous gabled facade of the Cathedral of Crema, an architectural treasure that is the pride and joy of its citizens. 

Enjoying tourism in Cremona means to delve into the history of the fascinating churches that Lombardy has erected in the course of centuries, those of San Pietro, San Ilario and San Michele are a fine example of it.

The Duomo of Cremona, the Torrazzo and the Batipstery are among the best known churches in the entire Region, embellishing even further the majestic square of Piazza del Comune. This masterpiece was built between 1100 and 1300 and features romanical, gothic, Renaissance and baroque elements.

Consider visiting this part of Northern Italy.

Take me here: Churches Cremona

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