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    • Mountains
    • Lakes

Four Panoramic Walks by Lake Como

Lake Como doesn’t need any introduction. It is one of the finest lakes in Europe, the deepest one, one of the most popular among tourists and citizens alike.

Having a 3-edge star shape, or one might say a running man shape, the lake is especially beautiful when observed from the tops of surrounding mountains and ridges.

Here we will virtually hike to the best panoramic spots above the lake to see it from a new angle. There’s so much more to the Lake Como than delicious food, cozy villages, breath-taking villas with their gardens, and relaxing boat rides. Let’s take a look!

To kick off our virtual tour through the panoramic trails we will start with best view on the central part of the lake. It is a little known viewpoint near the summit of Monte Nuvolone. It might be of a modest height compared to its’ neighbors and the whole alpine region but the view of the lake is one of the finest.

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Il Caloggio

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Passaggio dalla bocchetta di Caspoggio

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Trekking with Alpacas

Alpacas la Foppa: the first alpaca farm in Valmalenco.
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Trekking with Alpacas

Ten Snowshoeing Treks in Lombardy

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Ten Snowshoeing Treks in Lombardy

The high route of Valmalenco - presentation

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The high route of Valmalenco - presentation

Gardens Como

Lake Como is famous for its villas with fantastic gardens: let's discover them together!
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Gardens Como, discovering Lombardy

Parks and gardens to explore online

Green virtual tours in Lombardy
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Parchi e giardini da scoprire online

Snowshoeing in Valmalenco

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Ciaspolare presso l'Alpe Campagneda

Family Tourism Lombardy

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Family Tourism Lombardy, useful tips

Horse riding

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Horse riding

Foliage in Lombardy

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Via Francigena Corte Sant'Andrea Lodi

Walks for everyone

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Walks for everyone

The trail of memories and labours

This trail was dedicated to the memory of the inhabitants of Castione who, in the past generations, walked along this path carrying heavy pack baskets. The path linked the highest part of the town to the valley floor and allowed people to carry out farm works.
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The trail of memories and labours

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A green week in Valtellina

Parks, waterways and castles near Lodi | A journey through history and nature

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Parks, waterways and castles near Lodi | A journey through history and nature