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Shades of fall - excursions to discover the foliage

When the colours of the landscapes in the area of Sondrio-Valmalenco turns to the shades of red to gold, in the valleys and on the terraced slopes you'll have the chance to observe grape harvesting, apple harvesting or chestnut picking. In the fresh and clear fall days you can admire breath-taking mountain landscapes or take a ride along the vineyards and taste the traditional dishes in one of the local restaurants. The alpine pastures, the paths in Valmalenco and in the surroundings of Sondrio invite visitors to go hiking in a suggestive fall atmosphere. In this season, the area of Sondrio and Valmalenco offers high quality emotions, to be experienced in freedom.

On the same topic

Brescia Nature, taste and traditions: Val Sabbia

From multiple-day treks with night-breaks at mountain huts, to shorter walks open to all: a charming valley for all tastes set against the background of the little lake Idro
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Brescia Nature, taste and traditions: Val Sabbia

Lombardy: spring has come to town

Spring flowers bloom on the balconies, terraces, window sills and in the gardens of Lombardy's towns and villages 
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Lombardia: la primavera arriva in città

Kitesurf in Lombardy

Where to do kitesurfing in Lombardy
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Windsurf, Como lake

Ice skating

Ice skating enthusiasts will find three tracks in the area around Sondrio and in Valmalenco
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Pattinare in Valmalenco

Excursions to Zelo Buon Persico

An itinerary to discover the canals and natural beauty of Lodigiano
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Excursions to Zelo Buon Persico

Iron bridges, man-made constructions

Iron bridges, bold testimonies to the early 20th century
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Ponti di ferro, opere dell’uomo - in Lombardia


Breathtaking views and green woods characterize Castelveccana, a charming village situated on the shores of Lake Maggiore.
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Castelveccana and its districts, among cycle tourism, history and culture

Hiking with the Family

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Trekking in Lombardia

Gardens Como

Lake Como is famous for its villas with fantastic gardens: let's discover them together!
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Gardens Como, discovering Lombardy

Valle Intelvi: 4 excursions in the land between two lakes

The Val d’Intelvi offers visitors some unmissable walking routes that are suitable for everyone to explore on foot or by bike
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Valle Intelvi

Monumental trees in Lombardy

The art of knowing trees in Lombardy
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Alberi monumentali in Lombardia

Swim away from the crowds in Lombardy

8 little-known destinations to swim in Lombardy
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Swim away from the crowds in Lombardy

The Salt Route

From Varzi to the sea
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Via del Sale

The 10 most spectacular monumental trees in the province of Brescia

In Lombardy's largest province, very special tree monuments grow in very different environments.
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The 10 most spectacular monumental trees in the province of Brescia

Visconti park

The medieval splendor come alive in today's Pavia.
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Visconti Park

The high route of Valmalenco - presentation

The high route of Valmalenco is a trekking of 8 stage, around 110 km.
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The high route of Valmalenco - presentation

Action sports in Lombardy

From Lake Garda to Val Brembana, 5 action sports destinations offering a hefty dose of adrenaline
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Action sports in Lombardy

Spring in Valcamonica

4 ideas to enjoy the most sparkling season of the year in Val Camonica.
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Signs of Spring at a Unesco Site

Spring in Pavia

5 suggestions to spend a spring day in the name of outdoor in the territory of Pavia.
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Boat trip along the Po river

4 locations to visit in winter

Winter is not just about sports you can do in the snow, it is also the time when nature reveals its fairytale heart.
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4 locations to visit in winter