• Food & Wine

Salame di Varzi D.O.P.

The origins of Varzi Salame are to be found in the dawn of time

Salame di Varzi is the name of a salame made exclusively in the Oltrepò Pavese area. The microclimate deriving from the meeting between the air of the Po plains with sea air is excellent for salame curing.

Today Salame di Varzi is produced by following the same recipes and techniques which were employed centuries ago.

As this theory is hard to prove with complete certainty, it is however safe to state that it was undoubtedly linked to monasteries and abbeys which existed across Lombard region from the XII century onwards.

After the birth of the Benedictine order, work inside monasteries took on a fundamental role, so much so that they were crucial in the local economic and social recovery which took place after the so-called barbaric invasions. One of the many manual crafts which was practiced inside these monasteries was the production of cured foods.

Production zone: Varzi and Oltrepò Pavese valleys

Where to find it

Other links

Scopri il Consorzio di tutela del Salame di Varzi DOP
Take me here: Salame di Varzi D.O.P.

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